Friday, August 13, 2010

Rob to the paps "off my dick"

I am pleased that Kristen has her choice visitor. And I got a little pumped
when I saw these pictures (BTW: I just can't say Squee (-:
so I certainly can not criticize anyone for enjoying them. The sites I visit
on this topic are responsible and even protective of the couples privacy.

But aren't these the guys that harassed Kristen so badly in Sydney, the guys that chased Rob around Malibu, the guys that were chasing Princess Di in 1997.

Do we say some pap pics are ok but not others? I am not lecturing here. I am trying to answer this question for myself. As I said last weekend, I didn't need anymore evidence of the relaysh. What they did on the Eclipse Black Carpet alone was enough ( it was that obvious ).

I am curious as to what Kristen thinks about these pictures specifically.
She was on a movie set. Does this make it OK?

Or was the message on the back of Rob's shirt their prepared statement?

Just thinking!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:E Riverside Dr,Austin,United States


  1. Opy, that message..hop off..was can squee all you want..its an epic day!!!!!! good for them!!! hope they have lots of fun in Montreal..hear that obsessive fans?? hop off his dick he is TAKEN!!!


  2. I think it was a prepared statement of sorts. They both knew someone would be taking pictures and this was the answer. I love it. It looked like a break in the day. I am sure they will be hounded the rest of the time he is there. But I am sure it will not be a long visit because his mom's birthday is coming up I believe.

  3. 'I just can't say Squee'

  4. "I just can't say Squee"
    Lol that was so funny
    Another great post

  5. Did you also noticed through a series of Rob's solo pics that it seems he *intentionally* took off his jacket, glanced at the camera's w/ his cig before turning around, showing THE statement?
    AND, if you were in twitter long enough, I don't think the message is just for the papz. I think it's also for those *extreme* fans who analyze his *package* in *some* pictures that were being circulated/cropped/magnified/debated-upon there!

  6. I agree with you 101%, paps pics are disgusting, but i can't help smiling when i see RK pics together and VERY happy, they make my days! And pics or no pics, it doesn't matter for the blindenas, they will always find a ridiculous and lame excuse and say it's PR and 'pics or it didn't happened' and blah blah blah. For us believers there is no need for pics, we deep know how together they are!
