To the media & Universal:
In your coverage of Kristen Stewart's personal life over the past few weeks you have sent out a few messages to our society.
Older married men (even with children) will suffer few consequences for having a tryst with young women half their age because you, the media, will focus on the girl. Oh, you will say she got the focus because she was more famous.
Don't think so. You were much more concerned with Monica Lewinsky as most of the public was forgiving to Bill Clinton. I am not saying either party should be treated so badly, but you have a record of destroying the girl and letting the older guy off the hook.
Their is no benefit to admitting guilt and apologizing, as Kristen did. Those who might deny their part or make excuses haven't been discouraged from doing so. You seemed to dismiss her admission and have been more focused on reading more into it. She apologized and said it was a "momentary indiscretion" yet you have been trying to prove (without success) that there was a longer history.
You had to notice how uncomfortable Kristen looked in those pictures. But you haven't followed up on this because that leads to ideas and thoughts that don't sell as many magazines and gain as much web traffic.
Rupert Sanders involvement just doesn't interest you, so you keep focusing on the easy target who has been reluctant to defend herself. She obviously feels terrible about what she did. And she apologized. But you just smelled blood and attacked like a pack of sharks.
You have sent a very poor message with your coverage. Guys like me who might be contemplating such behavior know we will get off with a slap on the wrist at most.
And Universal Pictures: Are you seriously contemplating giving Sanders additional work while discontinuing with the star who gave that professional engagement a chance to succeed? If this is your move, rest assured you don't deserve the rare talent Kristen brings. And I for one will not consume any product you produce in the future.
Dano, BRAVO ... So wonderful. Hope you don't mind, I'm linking this over on Rose's blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Liz in NC
This is one I should have written weeks ago. I am actually more angry about it now than I have been so far.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDano, Is there a particular media event that recently happened to make you "more" angry? Or, is it that she looked beautiful for the OTR premiere but much thinner and somewhat sad? I'm just curious. We all feel the same way as you do. You might be happy to know that a major cable news outlet with a late night show discussed this topic last night and one of the commentators felt exactly the same way as you... that the guy is getting away with it with no repercussions.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy "anger" was a delayed reaction and not to any specific event. Many people felt the anger over her treatment from the media long ago. At first I was more concerned with how she was holding up. Now I think she is doing a little better. But the witch hunt continues.
ReplyDeleteDano, you are SO right. Although, I am happy when visiting the grocery not to see her photo on any magazines. BUT, just when we think it's died down, media like ABC puts a show on about "cameras don't lie" and it starts all over.
ReplyDeleteSeems like the media and haters won't be satisfied until Kristen (and Rob) are completely broken beings......... It is completely and utterly despicable and immoral.
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray love will carry them through to a better place, where they both emerge stronger and wiser.
That man has been let of the hook for the most part, while Kristen has taken the brunt of all the hate - it truly is going back to Salem......
Thank you for sticking up for her and showing up the media for the pond scum they are.........
Thanks dano - well said.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, very well done post.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support of Kristen. Totally agree with everything you said.
ReplyDeleteI am not goong to participate in any consumer act that will financially benefit Universal or RS in any way. U is letting time melts public memory that they slashed the sequel involving Kristen even when a well-respected screenwriter couldn't see a sequel not involving her. I for one, will never forget. Kristen's fans won't forget. I am so proud of how she is handling things in Toronto. I am a proud fan of Kristen . More so now than ever
I never interesting see all Universal movies again iam so glad their movies SAVAGE's flop and Bourne not so good on BO....SUCKS IT UNIVERSAL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDano, thank you - you are a very smart man! I wonder what regressive alternate reality the media, Sanders, producer Joe Roth, & Universal think they live in? The irony is that the major critics thought the DIRECTION was a weakness for SWATH. And Kristen and Charlize put the butts into the seats in the theaters - mine included - I would not have been there otherwise. I may be wrong, but I am buying SWATH on DVD to support Kristen - because I figure that the media will try to hang any perceived 'sales shortfall' on her shoulders.
ReplyDeleteGood point DG. I'll buy this one, but after that, it depends on how Universal behaves.
ReplyDeleteAwesome letter! Thank you for writing it, I think you are representing a great number of fans with it! I say, we boycott any Universal film that doesn't have KS or RP in it and all films that poopert touches.
ReplyDeleteAnd i will buy SWATH dvd's only to support Kristen!
ReplyDeleteannon:2.39 PM
OMG I so agree with you a 100%!!! She really seems uncomfortable in those pics for me too!! It's been a while since I last visited this blog, glad it was for this!!!
ReplyDeleteI also hope all her true fans show up to support her. I will always love Kristen Stewart.
ReplyDeleteI ordered the SWATCH DVD yesterday, have to support KS. I probably will not watch/listen to the director's commentary... I don't think I'd be able to stand listening to him.
ReplyDeleteThe tide appears to be turning quickly for KS and many rags will be on the "reconciliation" bandwagon as if they KNEW it was going to happen when they had no idea whether they were really broken up or not. I don't really care and probably THEY don't really care. I believe she's going to be fine doing BD2 promos, though I'm hoping she'll have good security, just in case.
Thanks again, Dano, for being here for KS and US!!!
Liz in NC
Universal-Roth-Patel-Sanders' "90 Church" does sound like "one to miss"...lots of negative votes...(