I've had a few requests to do an update here. One reason I haven't is 99% of the so called "news" is fabrication.
Please correct me if I am wrong in the comments, but this is all we know to be true.
(1)pictures come out
(2)Kristen's public apology to Rob seemed raw emotion
(3)Rob goes on promo. Many talking heads tried to get him to comment.
He didn't bite. He even rejected Jon Stewart's "kick her to the curb" with a response "is this an impersonation of yourself?"
One comment from Cronenberg that stood out to me was "people think they know what is going on, but they don't"
(4)Conflicting reports of what Universal is doing with Swath part #2
(5)Kristen chose not to do Cali
(6)sad news about Kristen's parents
Did I miss anything?
There have been endless stories with unnamed sources. I can't believe a single one of these, even if I like what the story says. Even People Mag will do this unnamed source stuff to a lesser degree. What is more surprising is the standard of journalism in the UK. Brick and mortar news outlets like the Daily Mail are just as bad as many "gossip" outlets with their use of unnamed sources. I have experienced this poor standard of journalism in the UK all summer when following their sports pages. They speculate and say things like "it is believed." This week, an 18 year old kid with 45,000 twitter followers, admitted he made up numerous reports about transfers in the English Premier League. The Daily Mail, The Mirror and others took his bs tweets and published stories on them.
This week he admits that he made it all up. When this is happening with sport, their celebrity news certainly has no credibility. US based newspapers seem to have a higher standard, so you see less about Kristen and Rob, because they and their real friends are not talking.
My take on this "scandal" has changed a little. Even if Kristen did have an affair, she should not be getting near the negative coverage she has gotten. It's unprecedented in my memory of the press bashing a 22 year old woman.
If this did happen, then she is worthy of forgiveness. But I don't think what has been reported is the whole truth of what happened. And I am not saying anyone is entitled to know the truth. We aren't. But when I look at those pictures, besides wanting to vomit, I see a girl who looks very uncomfortable and had major misgivings about being there. I don't think she knew what was going to happen when she met Rupert that day. I think she admired and respected him in the same manner that many college age girls view their favorite professor. But if an affair was in progress, she would not have conducted it like that. It would have been too easy to meet somewhere private.
So I think she was taken by surprise. She didn't kick him out of he car. I don't think she had any reference for this type of experience. For as wise beyond her years Kristen often seems, she also lived a very sheltered life, IMO. She didn't realize Rupert's intent, IMO.
So what happens now: I think they want this story to go away. Commenting on it, even to defend herself, gives the story a boost and keeps it in the papers.
Kristen will go on to have a great career. This setback won't last much longer.
As far as her relationship, my hunch is that she and Rob are not over with. There may be a long break, but for all we truly know, they might already be in couples therapy. We won't know for sure until all the BD2 cash has been counted. If I was Rob, and I knew that Kristen wanted to fix whatever was broken, then I certainly wouldn't give up on her.
As Kristen's fan, I won't give up her no matter what. I am not a fan of celebs in general, but I will always be drawn to her.
DANO, Ask and "ye shall receive" ?? It must be coincidence as it's only been about an hour ago that I commented asking you to post. Your opinions are such a great help to us that love her the way that you do.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you say here, so true. I'm nervous about next week like a "mother hen" but I believe she's going to be great.
Liz in NC
I saw your comment in the old post and finally caved. Not sure if this is helpful or not, but here it is (;
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you say. And I continue to be an avid supporter of both Kristen and Rob. If anything, I am a stronger supporter of Rob after his promo tour for Cosmopolis than I was before. He handled himself extremely well. I think the silence from them both on the relationship is just a continuation of their standard approach. Don't feed the dragon. Here's hoping they return to happiness sooner rather than later.
Dano, this post will certain help a lot of us. We needed your input.
ReplyDeleteBravo - and you are so right about sections of the British Press, just seem to grab trash off the internet......!!
ReplyDeleteIn my mind, yes, she made a mistake, but i think people is tearing her apart.. yes she did something bad but people need to remember that empathy is a virtue, i will keep supporting her even if i don't agree with her actions because i believe in forgivness and that the only one who is allowed to judge is God, and about Rob and her i think that true love have no expiration date.. we'll see what happen in the future .
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ReplyDeleteIf you ate going to cite GC, that same post said there was no sex. I stand by my opinion that she was taken off guard that day, regardless if she had been talking on the phone or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI am going to post anymore comments that would create debate and argument. That will not happen on this blog. GC is not much better than those they debunk. Unnamed sources. Kristen said it was momentary and I chose to believe her.
Correction: this isn't going to be a debate blog. So don't bother commenting if you don't like what I said. Goto GC and post whatever you want
ReplyDeleteDano, sorry, I could help but comment on the Anon post above, didn't mean to start a debate, as you said.
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ReplyDeleteLet's not debate that anon. I should have deleted it instead of posting. He/she will want to respond and I'd rather let them know I won't approve the comment
ReplyDeleteNo worries I just deleted it. And no one else who wants to argue will bother typing a comment as it won't be posted
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how they are everywhere. Thanks for being here.
ReplyDeleteHey Dano, Your take on that "picture" is exactly what I have been thinking/. If Kristen was having an affair, she would not be having a meeting out in the open, she could have easily done it in the dark at a hotel etc. I agree with you that she was taken by surprise and don't know how to handle herself in that situation because she respected the guy and because she have never been in that kind of situation before. Thank you for using your mind instead of taking things at face value :)
ReplyDeleteI hate the word "affair". There's no sex, no meeting at hotel....From past interviews, you can see Kristen trusts directors of her movies vey much and is close with them. To me, it's more likely that pig abused her trust. The only mistake of Kristen was that she went along with it. My take on that is she did not face similar situation before and so handled badly.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what "crime" Kristen has committed, the condemnation is huge and long lasting enough. It has already reached the point of bullying.
It's clear that Kristen wants Rob's forgiveness but I ain't sure if Rob is capacble of that. All I know is as a fan, I will never give up on Kristen. I will forever have her back.
Monica from Asia
I feel the same as Monica-great comment.
DeleteMONICA -- I do believe that Rob is capable of forgiving her and I also believe that he's already done it and that they are in the process of working things out. I'm not sure if we'll ever see them out and about together like we did before. It's fairly obvious from his remarks in NYC that he doesn't trust the press, at all.
DeleteLiz, hope so, hope so. I always want to have such optimism but I'm really afraid to be left diappointed. I don't dare to let my hopes up. Sigh...
DeleteMonica from Asia
And she had the opportunity to condemn the guy, to shift the blame a bit but she didn't. She didn't say one word against the guy. She took the whole blame on her shoulder despite all the hate and vilifying she gets. From now on she will be know as the person who cheated and every vile name in the book thrown at her by people who is eager to join the hateful crusade against her but who don't know her squat or what her real side of the story was. She could have made this easier on herself, but she stay silent. If you say her silence means she is guilty and that her confession was real, then at least she is honest and responsible, which to me is a much better quality than any of her criticiser is showing her. But I agree with your take, that her trust have been taken advantage of and she end up paying for her mistake like she is the most heinous of criminals.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I just want to say that I admire this young lady for her courage. Most of us would have buckle under all that pressure. I hope that she come out of this a stronger woman and I hope she realized that those who truly love her will forgive her for anything.
I did not even know Rob said that.
ReplyDeletethanks for laying out so clearly the only real known facts.
Thank you Dano for posting, it's nice to read the thoughts of an intelligent & caring fan! You haven't missed anything - those 6 items are the only ones that are known. Although I'm not sure her involvement in "Cali" is really done, since a recasting hasn't been announced yet - and since no replacement is going to bring the goods & audience like Kristen - they should just postpone until/if she's ever ready to do it.
ReplyDeleteMy better-half has been reading the headlines from Huffington Post aloud to me over the past month - he has now learned, with my instruction, to look for the "source" or citation or lack thereof - which invariably is a British or NY tabloid, RadarOnline or other garbage gossip site, or simply "unnamed". We've even started renamed the nightly "ET" show => "Evil Truthlessness". I know little or nothing about celebrities except Kristen and Rob - but if they are being treated this way, we therefore should not trust anything else coming out of the entertainment/gossip media!
I've also been disappointed in some of the fans who are questioning her pre-indiscretion mental state, her parents' influence, her choice of racy roles, etc. IMO she can't live while dancing on the head of a pin just to suit others. She's entitled to live her life - and that includes making mistakes and learning from them. She showed alot of responsibility by taking 100% of the blame and apologizing publicly. Now it seems the media & some fans think she should apologize for her apology! How ridiculous is that???
The husband asked if I thought K&R would eventually reconcile - I said as much as I'd like that to happen, why should they subject themselves to a future where ANY mistake or misstatement is used to vilify them? He & I do agree that as the most non-celebrity-celebrities, they really were (are?) a great fit for each other. My hope is only that she can go back to work when she's ready & do some great indie films from here forward. Sanders & the boys may take SWATH II away from her (actually I hope she rejects it before it's even offered), but she is destined for better & more important roles.
I'll really be watching TIFF this week - I don't need a commentator to tell me what she looks like, or what she meant when she said this/that - I just want to see her healthy & supporting "On the Road". She can be awkward, nervous, shy - it doesn't matter as long as she's getting her life back on track at her own pace & comfort level.
(Sorry for the lengthy comment & thanks again!)
What I have observed is Kristen being publicly held to ridicule, scorn and contempt. So much vitriol towards her spewed all over the internet. This is something that would get anybody down or depressed. She is also a private person and had a very private matter go very public. And we know she feels violated by the paparazzi; she has been a target of theirs for a few years. Putting all this together-I am very concerned about her emotionally and psychologically. I know she is a strong person and has an excellent support network (I think anyway) and lots of unconditional love in her life. But I still feel concerned esp. how the paparazzi really want to get her photograph now, more than ever. I feel nervous.
ReplyDelete@Aitch, I am also concerned about her - but I'm hopeful that she lives inside a supportive world that is totally independent of the internet & tabloid vitriol & drama. She knows that 100% of the negativity directed towards her comes from people who have never even come close to meeting or working with her or Rob. It's a bizarre situation, no doubt, but I'm thinking that she has distanced herself from this 'alternate internet reality'.