I am going to be hesitant to post this..... But not really. I'll sit on it for 24 hours, though. There is just so much unique and precious about these two individuals. If they weren't so special, I don't think i would have overcome the tendency of a straight male to deny being affected by these types of emotions, especially in people I have never met.
I remember with shame some of my experiences as a younger man when it was about conquests, not relationships. We showed the greatest admiration for that male among us with the most conquests under his belt. I played along with it. I am sure it's still the most commonly bragged about attribute among frat boys and even some bachelors into their 30s. But I am here to tell you it's a hollow feeling, and I knew it deep down even when I participated in this behavior. I believe in Karma and I am certain I have been paid back for transgressions of my own when I was the age of one Robert Pattinson. He is above this juvenile behavior practiced by many men and we should try to be more like him.
Frankly, as much as I think of Kristen (it's an admiration that grows stronger every time I see her) I couldn't bear to see her with a man that didn't treasure her the way Robert does. He knows he is the luckiest man on the planet. It's obvious in his actions.

I know many out there adore this couple. The love for R\K can develop quickly.
In one of my first post I discussed how this happened for me. The key part was that it happened quickly and nothing remotely similar had happened before. Within a few days of learning the names, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, I was experiencing the behaviors of what one might call a shipper. I don't need frequent pictures and public confirmations of their love. As special as I think it is, it's got to be protected. This is a rare thing that we may never see again.
When so many Hollywood celebs would eat up the attention R/K receive, they downplay it and seem embarrassed by it. Its a humbleness they exude. Last weekend, they run into a video store and run out, as they have no interest
in being seen. When everyone wants to see you, not being seen is just what they should do. But we have mountains of pictures and videos to refer back to. We may have to wait awhile before we get pictures that are of the same quality as
the Eclipse premier. When I say quality, I mean unguarded moments when they can't help but show affection for each other. But pictures that great should be rare. If those type pictures happened all the time, then we might not appreciate them as much as we do.
There are so many qualities of a strong personality that they show us as one entity, Robert and Kristen. (This is not to mention all of the little nuances that they both exhibit, such as their hand gestures and little habits, such as biting their lips and running their hands through hair).
I think R/K will be around for a long time, thus the "True Companion" video is a heart squeezer. They are nothing even close to a typical Hollywood couple.