Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More on why this affects me

I went to the 0RCD (Obsessive Robsten Compulsive Disorder) website and took the test so I know that I 
AM a Robsten shipper.  Now that my disorder has held for longer than a couple of months, I am more and more convinced that there are more of us out there (straight men caught up in this).  Socialization of what's manly, maybe even a little homophobia, is what keeps others in the closet.   I have not read Romance books before Twilight and it was the vampire element that drew me in but the love story that hooked me.   I have never been a fan of any movie star, or a public relationship.   These two are so unique and they seem so genuine.   The obsession for me is mostly about Kristen.  I get upset when I see criticisms of her.   People that do not see the genius in her and effortless beauty are just too damn narrow minded to get it.  I also feel protective of the couple and unfortunately there is no shortage of attackers online.  
If Kristen were dating some typical Hollywood personality it would be painful to watch.   Rob seems very humble and deserving.  He is also very talented.   Its easy to root for him.   Their shared traits of shyness and reluctance to fame (more evident in Kristen) are endearing qualities.    

What do I get out of this: it seems similar to witnessing an underdog overcome obstacles to reach the pinnacle of success.  I guess.  Its  different.   Love is a powerful emotion and it's very rare to witness a couple in the public and "just know"  I think the couples decision not to speak publicly makes it more powerful.  When you see them watching each other, there is no doubt that the feelings are genuine.   I suppose the watcher needs to have experienced love themselves in order to see it in others.   


  1. Dude just discovered your blog and can I say woot woot! It takes a strong man to say they 'ship' a couple! More power to you dude. Btw I agree. I love Kristen and its obvious Rob makes her happy so that makes me happy. =)

  2. Thank you for writing this blog! It's always good to know that there are a few guys out there who believe in love and who recognize it when they see it... Keep it up!

    Do you have a twitter? I'm frayo on twitter and please visit my tumblr too. Lots of pictures and videos, but music info and musings too. Glad to have you aboard the ship!

  3. Love your blog. I also feel protective of them and defensive of Kristen in particular. I was a Rob fan first, and I was worried about him getting caught up in all the Hollywood b.s. in '08. When I realized he was with Kristen, I was so relieved! She is wonderful. They're perfect for each other.

    Unique, genuine, smart, talented and radiating love for each other. Le sigh!

  4. I have just found out about your blog via twitter and I've read all your posts.

    Seriously keep this up. It is amazing!


  5. I had no clue anyone was reading this. I am sure I'll post an update soon

  6. Twitter promotion can do that to you! ;) Seriously though, I'm glad I found your blog. It's nice to get a male perspective every once in awhile in this female (shipper) fandom.

    Keep posting, I'll continue reading!

  7. Yes keep posting. A twitter @_deevee found your blog and tweeted ab how she enjoyed it. That is how I came upon it and I am so glad I did. Keep up the posts.

  8. I love your blog - it's great to get a male's perspective on Kristen & Rob's relationship. I especially love your last line, "I suppose the watcher needs to have experienced love themselves in order to see it in others." I also believe this and think it may be why some just can't accept their relationship. Keep up the good work!

  9. How fantastic to find your blog! Please keep writing. It is rare, as you have undoubtedly discovered, to find an articulate, intelligent defense (and a male perspective!!) for these two unique, deserving and gifted people, who only are dedicated to their craft ..and each other. Pretty rare individuals, I'd say. Which leads me to my own protective stance of them. I'm Kj, I write Kristen and Rob defense essays from the perspective of all of us being Outsiders (Others) together, and that Rob and Kristen represent Others so beautifully. We should support them, not tear them down. I'm at @MusingsOnOther on Twitter and my essays are at MusingsOnOtherQueens.blogspot.com. Wonderful words, sir. Thank you so much. Keep going.

  10. I don't tweet very often. I go on there sometimes and search y'alls tweets. Ha.
    dano328 is the username I am just about everywhere else, including Twitter. I'll try to update this blog after work tonight.

  11. Love your blog, so good to see men in this too!

  12. amazing blog
    keep it up

  13. VERY well said! Freakin' me out a bit tho..lol.. it's like we share a brain...You definitely summed it up ..I agree with everything you said, that's exactly how I feel! ....AND when you said this ~~>
    " Love is a powerful emotion and it's very rare to witness a couple in the public and "just know" I think the couples decision not to speak publicly makes it more powerful. When you see them watching each other, there is no doubt that the feelings are genuine. I suppose the watcher needs to have experienced love themselves in order to see it in others". ... DUDE ..that's how I've described their relationship almost word for word..I love it!!!

    Seriously love your blog...come join the rest of us with 0RCD (Obsessive Robsten Compulsive Disorder)on Twitter ...*high five*

  14. Love your blog!! Keep up the great work!! There aren't many males out there willing to admit their love for an actor or actors & certainly not many that can clearly see what Robert & Kristen have.

    I've added you to the Recommended Sites list on my blog:
    http://pattzstewglobal.blogspot.com/ :)

  15. Great post. I hate those jealous hags that rag on Kristen because she stays true to herself too. Most of them are just mad because their lives are miserable. The internet gives them a place to fester, but they really don't matter. Kristen's future is very bright.

    Rob seems okay to me too, but I don't like his fans. They make me not like him as much as I would otherwise. I know it's not fair but I can't help it. Taylor's fans don't show the same kind of hate for Kristen and they are supposedly younger.

    I applaud you for coming out of your shipper closet. I'm not totally convinced on Robsten. If they come out and say they are definitely not a couple, we can help ship you with Kristen. Great blog.

  16. Congratulations! How absolutely marvelous... You have restored my faith in the thinking, articulate, sensitive male!
    Trite that may sound, but for me it is anything but. To know there is a man out there who feels the real romance from Robert & Kris is amazing.
    And to boot... had the amazing courage to write a blog about it. I am so very, very impressed. What courage! What a daring nature... where can I get one of you LOL.
    Love your comments, agree with you 110%. Please keep on keeping on. All power to you!
    Cheers Chrissie

  17. Great comments, you are the voice of reason!

  18. I just found your blog and I think it is wonderful. Keep up your kind and thoughtful musings.

  19. I am also a male and I have never followed a movie actor. There is just something about Kristen that draws you in. She is so natural and real and it doesn't hurt that she is beautiful. If you have not already seen them, you need to see Adventureland, The Runaways and The Cake Eaters. She is awesome in all of them. I agree, she is working against some very difficult dialogue in ten Twilight movies and she is the real reason it is remotely believable.

  20. Hola! My wife sent me chasing over here when word came that another testosterone-type had come out of the closet. Good for you bro'. I'm a Twi-fan, and a Robsten shipper as well. My wife and I succumbed to the disease together. It's hard to say who infected who, since I'm a sap from way back. Anyway, I'll be watching for your next post. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.


  21. love your blog,

    and good to now a guy is devote to Kristen and Rob as we are support...keep postin'

  22. Hi, a friend sent me your blog's link saying "dude there's a Male Robsten shipper who said he visited the ORD site and took the test..." and I thought "No, it can't be. We don't have a 'test' in the site", but then I realized we do have a "list" of Symptoms to know if you are in the vicinity of being obsessed with Rob and Kristen. Can he be referring to that? ;)

    This fandom is without a doubt women-dominated (99.99%) So it's refreshing to see a male fan of R/K who "owns up" being a shipper. In fact, we do have a term for that in the ORD lexicon, it's SMSRT (Secret Male Society of Robsten Twilighters)and by the first word you know it's truly not everyday that people 'meet' guys like you who don't intend to keep it a "secret", at least not on the internet LOL. And that's really - quite something. Welcome to the club!


  23. If I didn't thank you personally, I tried.

  24. Wow. This is awesome. You're right, guys are in the Twilight closet. I see them sitting in the theaters and not with their girlfriends either.

    Many props.

  25. OMG I LOVE YOU!!!! I was a Rob fan first, but i fell in love with K for the same reasons you wrote! She is AMAZING!

  26. i am a girl and i like Kristen because she is very down to earth. Being shy myself and socially awkward, i really admire kristen for being in a profesion where you put yourself in the public eye and get judged. I like Rob and i do think he understands kristen.
