Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have not denied their relationship

There is a large group of people who dispute that there is any offscreen romance between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. They celebrated yesterday as they feel two separate media events took place that "denied" the relationship.

Pattinson said he never goes on dates and he would like to "put that out there" He also muddied the waters further by saying he does not want to "settle" when discussing the concept of marriage and "settling down."

Stewart, when asked what bothered her the most about being interviewed, mocked previous interviewers who asked her a question with the premise that Pattinson was her boyfriend. She repeated what she said to those interviewers "I did not know I had a boyfriend."

Neither of these events confirm OR DENY a Pattinson/Stewart relationship.

What we know for certain is that neither will confirm the relationship verbally. These two are very different from other celebrities. They are determined not to reveal the "yes" or "no" on their potential relationship.

What is true is there are many days in which the two have been in each others presence outside of their responsibilities for the Twilight Saga.
They go to great lengths to avoid the paparazzi. Many private individuals have observed them acting very much like a couple with no media and cameras around. They have also behaved in such a manner at public events, that common sense will lead one to draw conclusions that they are together. A verbal confirmation or outright denial is not going to happen. They seem very determined about this.

It's only actions that people witness that determine if there is something going on outside of work. The biggest indicator was Stewarts travel to Budapest, Hungary to spend her 20th birthday in April while Pattinson was filming Bel Ami.

Over the past weekend at a Twilight fan event in Los Angeles, Pattinson seemed to be teasing Stewart. When asked who he would like to play the role of him in a movie, he said "my son" then stared and laughed at Stewart as she blushed. Then asked about his upcoming favorite scene in "Breaking Dawn" he said " I just like babies" and again laughed while Stewart blushed. He was clearly taunting Stewart.

Robsten is clearly messing with the public. It's there way of getting a little revenge for their lack of privacy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning that interview w/ kristen where she said, "Oh, I have a boyfriend. I did not know that." etc. Do you have a link to the video? I've been trying to find it for the past month.
